Sunday, June 29, 2008

Tea in England!

What a fantastic weekend. I now officially feel like I am in England. I do feel like I have to apologize for the previous blog that was very grumpy. I was very tired. It had been a long day. In fact this whole weekend was long, but after a great nights sleep Friday night it was all up hill!
Saturday we took a bus tour of Central London. The drivers here are crazy! When they want to change lanes, they just change lanes. Nevermind the fact that there is a van right next to us. We all let out nervous giggles when the drivers are maneuvering around the streets.
The tour, however, was great. We got to see a lot in a short amount of time, and even took pictures in some spots.

Here I am standing in front of Tower Bridge. Doesn't it look like I am in England?

Trying to see if the queen is home

Then we took a flight on the London Eye. Frankly it made me dizzy (I am not a fan of heights). But it was still very cool.
The view of the Eye from the ground. The view is even more ominous from the top!
After the London Eye a group of us stayed in Central London and ate dinner at a pub. I had fish and chips which were absolutely delicious!
Then we took the tube home. My first time on the Tube and I get crushed by the door as I am getting on. Oh, well! I am a tourist. I guess it is a right of passage.
Today we went to Hampstead and Camden Market. Hampstead was absolutely gorgeous with tons of beautiful homes and lots of history. I don't want to brag but I got to see Boy George's home...I know you are all jealous!

Just a street in Hampstead. Doesn't it look fake?

Camden Market was unbelievable. It is a street market that is stuffed with shops, food, and people. I spent quite a few pounds today, however it was totally worth it!
And the most exciting part, I finally had my first cup of tea in England. While we were in Camden we had some time to ourselves. Quite a few people went to a Starbucks, but I refused to have my first tea in England be from Starbucks. A staff person took a few of us around and we went into a little market where people were selling antiques, and also tea! It completely made my trip. I am now done. I can go wait, I still have more to see!
So what did I learn while "studying" abroad today? Wait for the little green man to show up and symbolize that it is safe to cross the street. Otherwise you'll get run over!

Friday, June 27, 2008

A day of travel...

Consisted of "waking" up (after not sleeping the night before) super early to catch my 6:45 am flight to chicago. I then wondered aimlessly through the airport for five hours during my layover. Then came a seven to eight hour flight to Heathrow airport. Then came the happy greeting, of a happy girl in a bright red Middlesex University t-shirt.

However the travel does not stop there.

Next came waiting around in the airport for an hour and a half for our bus to come. Then came an hour long bus ride to the campus. However it was all worth it.

What did I learn while "studying" abroad today (thanks Lori)? Traveling and being tired and smelly really stinks, but England is extremely worth the trouble.

By the way mom, I figured out my internet!

Hunky the monkey and I on the plane...Don't I look lovely?

Tuesday, June 24, 2008

One more day...

I have exactly one more day until I leave for Europe. I am sort of packed, a little nervous, and a lot excited! Stay tuned, because the next time you hear from me I will be in Europe "studying" abroad!