Sunday, July 13, 2008

Due to a person under the train, there are delays.

So much to update. I'll just get right into it.
Thursday night was Karaoke night. What a night it was. I had vowed to not go up, however, after some liquid courage, and a lot of peer pressure, I went up a few times with groups. My favorites were singing Britney Spears with Sarah, Elton John with Shani, and "Hotel California" with a huge group of us. It was a blast. I will not be posting the videos, however. Maybe if some of you are really lucky, I will show you when I get home. I know...what a tease!

Friday Sarah and I officially made it to both St. Paul's Cathedral, and Westminster Abbey. St. Paul's was gorgeous. You can walk all the up to the top of the dome. It's scary as all helk, but completely worth it. Westminster Abbey was kind of creepy, which made it even cooler than I thought it would be.
Just throwing this out there, but does anyone know what the title of this blog means? When Sarah and I were traveling on Friday, they made this announcement while we were waiting for the tube to come. Does it mean literally? Or is just an expression? Please help me out if you can.
Anyway, Friday night was was an early night, because of the night before and all the walking Sarah and I had done that day. What a good night sleep that was!

Saturday we took a tour of Windsor Castle, and Hampton Court. I loved the inside of Windsor Castle. The very first room we entered was a room filled with china. I slowed our group up, and they all thought I was a dork for being so into it. After the inside tour we went to a china gift shop, and I am now a proud owner of a Queen Victoria china tea cup and saucer. It's absolutely gorgeous, and I am so excited about it. Everyone just thought it was funny, because I was in such a giddy mood after buying it!
Hampton court was so cool, and creepy, and gross, because if anyone has seen The Other Boleyn Girl, you know what I am talking about. When Dorothy and I were walking to the King's Apartments we were commenting on how that is the walk that the girls he summoned would have to take. What a creep!

There were gorgeous gardens here also, and a really fun maze. All in all it was a very productive day.

And now to the part that my dad is going to hate. We went out Saturday night, and decided to not leave when the last tube leaves, but instead take the night bus. Don't worry there was a huge group of us, with more guys than girls. When we got on to the bus at 2:30 in the morning it didn't seem so bad. However, when an hour and a half passed and we still weren't back, we weren't happy.
Then, we finally see our stop, and hit the stop button, which the driver decides to ignore, and drive a mile or two (or a million, as it felt) to the next stop and let us off. Ya, we had a walk ahead of us.
What made everything worth it was the last five minutes. We finally made it to campus, and Dorothy, Fernando, Sarah, and I were all bringing up the rear. The sun is starting to come up, and all the bunnys are out, and running around campus. Dorothy and I are commenting on how cute they are, and fluffy, and how much we love them. There is a quiet pause, and then Fernando says in his Spanish accented English says, "I just want to shoot them." We all stopped and started laughing hysterically. It was so perfect. It made the night.

However, I will NEVER do that again!

What did I learn while "studying" abroad today? No more night buses!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

hehe! Kim I am loving reading your blog! :-) sorry to hear about the night bus. at least you were with a fun group and saw cute bunnies! i cant wait to see your new tea cup and saucer :-) I hope you continue to have a fabulous time!
ps: if you meet any cute gentlemen-like british boys remember that you have a cousin back in the states and see if they have a twin brother or cute nice friend, hehe! j/k