Monday, July 21, 2008

I hope you're ready to hit the ground running!

So the school disco ended up being such a blast! Everyone who was there did their best to try and put together a school uniform, and those who didn't, put on a toga. Why? I don't know, but it was awesome!
It ended up being a very late night, so after just two hours sleep, I hopped on the tube and rode it for an hour and a half (it felt longer) and then I was at the airport and instantly greeted by Kori. I couldn't have been happier to see her!
We got her back to the dorms, and got her checked , settled in, and then we hit the ground running. We went to the Tower of London and did the tour with the Beefeater. We saw the Royal Jewels and I picked out my crown for when I get coronated after Prince William and I get married (any day now). The we went to the Ice Bar. It sounds like what you think it is. You go into a very cold room, where you are surrounded by very cold ice, and drink very cold drinks out of ice cold glasses. Did I mention it was cold?
Then we ate at the fantastic Italian restuarant, which is convienantly located right next door. Needless to say we went directly back to the dorms after, and crashed.
The next day was another fun filled packed to the brim day. We managed to hit Buckingham Palace, Hyde Park, Tea at the British Museum, and the witchcraft bookstore.
My favorite part of the day was when we were about to leave Hyde Park. Suddenly we hear beautiful music. We head towards it, and is if out of main street in Disneyland there is a band playing in a gazebo. It was so cool! Dad I am looking into to seeing if they will be performing while your here.
After this long day we once again crashed.

The next day, we went to St. Paul's Cathedral. I waited for Kori while she climbed to the top. I just couldn't bring myself to do it again.
Instead, though, being the genius that I am, I decide to hit the Millenium Bridge. I made it about half way across before getting dizzy, and had to turn around. I would swear that sucker would sway everytime someone walked by me. And trust me plenty of people were wizzing past me!
Then we went to the National Gallery, and The British Museum.
That night we went to the Zoo Bar. It was Fernando's last night out, and Kori's first night out. It was a lot of fun.
Yesterday, we once again dragged our butts out of bed early and packed in a lot. First we hit the Sherlock Holmes Museum. Then we picked up sandwiches and had lunch in the Queens Garden in Regent's Park. Lastly we hit Camden Market, where Kori and I bought matching scarves so we can look more European.
Kori hit the sack early last night, because she had a tour of Stonehenge, Bath, and Salisbury today. I decided to stay up with people who had just gotten back from Paris, and then sleep in today. Not a whole lot of luck there.
At some point this morning, not really sure what time, the fire alarm went off, and we all had to evacuate outside. Let me tell you, we all looked extremely classy. The plus side to this was that the fire department came. What was hilarious was they pulled up, and slowly mosey out of their truck and saunter up to the dorm. We're all freezing out here, but please, take your time. Apparantly someone's blow dryer had set it off. Oh well to sleeping in!
Anyway, Kori and I leave for Venice tomorrow, so today has been spent packing and getting my first paper done.
The next couple of days should be quite the adventure, so wish us luck!
What did I learn while "studying" abroad today? Firefighters are just as hot here in England as they are at home, only here, they have accents!


Auntie Em said...

kim! How exciting to see see kori there because soon i will be the one in the pictures and videos!!! well i better be! :) miss you and two weeks to go!

paula said...

WOW!! the ice bar was so cool! you guys are definitely having the time of ur lives out there!! miss u guys!