Tuesday, July 1, 2008

Gimme! Gimme! Gimme! (A Man After Midnight)

Yesterday was another amazing day. We went into Central London, and rode the tube to Hyde Park. Hyde Park is like the Central Park of London. It is so pretty, with a lake in the middle. It was also so quiet for being right in the middle of the city. I loved it so much!

Then we went to buckingham palace, and then sat in another park. I got a vanilla ice-cream cone, and as weird as it sounds, I have never tasted better soft serve. It was so creamy and delicious (oh Giada!).

Then we made our way to Leicester Square in hopes of watching the red carpet entrance to the premiere of Mamma Mia. We had to constantly ask for directions, but we made it and it was amazing. There was music playing from the movie the whole time, and we got to see all the stars! It was so much fun!

Warning: The videos are shaky, and the second one is long, but I did the best I could. I hope everyone enjoys them!

Today I had class, so no sightseeing. But class was actually pretty cool. There is only seven people in the class and I am the only American, which will be fun! It is an education course, so I will be learning a lot about the British school system, which I think is neat! Anyway, now I am off to bed. I think the jet lag has finally hit me, because I am completely exhausted!

What did I learn while "studying" abroad today? That I am actually going to have to do some studying...who'd a thunk?


Mom said...

You already know how jealous I am!! How lucky can one girl get! Love you! Miss you!

Kori said...

Kim! Did you flash him? :) Miss you!

Anonymous said...

Hi Kim,
Sounds like you are having way too much fun! Did your mom ask you to find out if "older" students can participate in the "study" abroad!?